PrincipleThe outer layer of the diapers (base film) is impermeable to water, the absorbent core is made of pure wood pulp and highly absorbent resin, and the whole is relatively thin and breathable~.Using this principle, the home does not use the diapers in life can also play a lot of good use, afte
The shelf life of nappies is usually around 3-5 years. It is a waste to throw away expired nappies. So, what can we do with expired adult diapers?
Adult diapers, pull-up pants and maternity pad differ significantly in their design and use, and here are the detailed differences between them:
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Adult diapers provide professional leakage protection for incontinent people so they can enjoy a normal, vibrant life. These diapers are easy to put on and take off for comfort and feature a funnel-type super-absorbent system that absorbs urine and wetness for up to 5 to 6 hours, with the top layer